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Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs is another option offered by your health plan. To see the cost for this medicine, visit the Cost Plus Drugs website.

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Note: Medicine costs are estimates.

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What is my drug list?

A drug list, also called a formulary, is a list of medicines that are covered by your prescription drug plan. You can find your plan's drug list on your pharmacy member ID card or by signing in.

2 Add a medicine

NDC is a code on your drug package that identities a specific medicine. It can be displayed in several formats.

11-digit NDC example:

10-digit NDC examples:

Add a medicine associated with your selected drug list 2 Add a medicine Add a medicine associated with your selected drug list

Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs is another option offered by your health plan. To see the cost for this medicine, visit the Cost Plus Drugs website.

Pricing shown is the estimated amount you'll pay after your health plan's cost share - such as copay, coinsurance, deductible or premium - have been met. Actual cost will be determined at the time of purchase.

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Drug List

Your drug list:

Therapeutic alternatives

Most health issues can be treated by more than one drug. A therapeutic alternative is a chemically similar drug which can solve some of the same symptoms. It can be the generic version of a brand-name drug or a different brand-name drug. It can also save you money. Talk to your doctor to see if a therapeutic alternative could work for you.

Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs is another option offered by your health plan. To see the cost for this medicine, visit the Cost Plus Drugs website.

Pricing listed is the estimated amount you'll pay after your health plan's cost share - such as copay, coinsurance, deductible or premium - have been met. Actual cost will be determined at the time of purchase.

Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about the drug information shown here including interactions, side effects, or therapeutic alternatives.

Contact member services

You have reached the maximum number of credit cards on your account. To add a new payment method, contact us or call the number on the back of your pharmacy member ID card.


Your prescription drug plan may cover both brand name drugs and generic drugs. Generic drugs have the same active-ingredient formula as a brand name drug. Generic drugs usually cost less than brand name drugs and are rated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be as safe and effective as brand name drugs.

Coverage of prescription drugs and supplies listed on the drug list/formulary is subject to your benefit plan's design and coverage provisions and may differ from that listed. Not all generic drugs are equivalent to the available brand drug. Please check with your pharmacist.

The retail prices displayed above represent estimated prices for your prescription drugs. Prices are retail pharmacy estimates only and are based on typical contracted prices paid to pharmacies. Prices do not include federal, state, or local taxes or additional fees. The actual price you pay is determined by your benefit plan, and will be calculated at your pharmacy at the time of purchase.