Homeowner Email Lists & Mailing Lists

Homeowner Email Lists & Mailing Lists connect you with Homeowners locally or anywhere in the USA. Our accurate homeowner leads help you drive more effective marketing efforts, and connect you with new customers.

Homeowners are likely to spend heftily on Home Repairs, Homeowners Insurance, Cleaners, Gardeners, Retail Stores & Restaurants in their area. Start marketing to them today and win their business !

Table of Contents

What are Homeowner Email Lists & Mailing Lists?

Homeowner Email Lists & Mailing Lists are marketing lists that are used for direct mail marketing and email marketing. They include the contact information that you’ll need if you want to mail or email advertisements to property owners.

Homeowner Mailing Lists are for direct mail purposes and include the Names and Addresses of Homeowners in the area of your choice; people who own residential property. Homeowner Email Lists are for email marketing campaigns, and include Names and Mailing Addresses and Email Addresses.

Businesses that are looking to send a marketing campaign to Homeowners in their area to advertise their products and services, will need an accurate direct mail list.

Homeowners often spend more money than Renters, on Home Services like House Cleaners, Gardeners, Pool Service etc and Home Repairs and Home Furnishings.

At LeadsPlease, we can help you target all Homeowners in an area, or you can narrow down and target certain types of Homeowners:

Can I get a mailing list of just New Homeowners; People who have recently purchased a home?

Yes! Click here to get more information or to purchase a New Homeowner Mailing List.

What format do your Homeowner Email Lists and Mailing Lists come in?

We offer 3 easy-to-use List Formats:

Excel / CSV file

PDF Mailing Label Format (makes it quick and easy for you to print mailing address labels at home or in the office)

Peel & Stick Mailing Labels Shipped to You

Can I see a Sample Mailing List?

Yes! Please Contact Us to get a Sample Mailing List.

Does the List include Email Addresses?

You can choose to add Email Addresses to your List.

We offer 3 List Options:

  1. Direct Mail
  2. Direct Mail + Email
  3. Direct Mail + Email where available

For more information & pricing please visit this page : Buy Email Lists

How accurate are your Homeowner Lists?

We take great pride and care in maintaining the quality of our data, as it is the core of our business.

Our Homeowner Lists are updated daily as new information becomes available. We update our databases so frequently, so we can keep home ownership information and the owner of a property, as up-to-date as possible, and include the most recent home purchases.

During these updates, old addresses get updated or removed and new, valid postal addresses get added.

Although we go to great lengths to frequently clean and update our databases, they will always contain a small number of undeliverable mailing addresses, out of date information and data errors that are beyond our control.

Direct Mailing Lists – Accuracy

Our competitors share an average deliverability rate of about ~70-90% . However, since we clean and update our information more regularly, we’re proud to boast a 95+% deliverability rate or accuracy rate, when you use your List within 30 days of purchase.

Email Lists – Accuracy

Our Consumer Email Lists and homeowner data are routinely updated throughout the year, as new information becomes available. During these updates, old email addresses get updated or removed and new, valid email addresses get added.

We also perform one final list cleansing at the time you purchase your email list. This final email address verification process validates all the email addresses on your email data list. So, after this validation process, your homeowner leads are as accurate as possible, resulting in higher conversion rates and less unsubscribes.

Although we go to great lengths to frequently clean and update our property ownership databases, they will always contain a small number of undeliverable mailing addresses & emails, aliases, out of date information and data errors that are beyond our control.

On average, you can expect to receive the following accuracy rates:

How do you know if someone is a Homeowner?

Homeowner information is compiled from a lot of different sources, but it is primarily compiled from property records, public records, property data and property information from home sales.

Do you offer lists that relate to liens or Foreclosures?

No, sorry, we do not offer information related to foreclosures or liens.

Does your owner information come from tax records?

No. Tax information and private gov property tax information is not used for marketing purposes.

Can I do a property search at the assessor’s office?

Please contact your local county recorder, recorder’s office or assessor’s office directly for more information.

Can I add Phone Numbers to my list?

Yes! Please visit our Phone Numbers page for more informationa and pricing.

How much does a Mailing List cost?

A Homeowner Mailing List starts at $99.50 for up to 1,000 leads. The more leads you buy, the cheaper the cost per lead. Please visit our Mailing List Pricing page for more information.

How do I get a Mailing List?

You can purchase your mailing list on our website or with a List Specialist over the phone. On average, it takes about 5 minutes to build and purchase a Mailing List. We accept all major credit cards.

Other Helpful Resources

Homeowner Mailing List FAQs

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